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Store Customer Service Rep

Customer Service Rep (01022) - 30068 Ford Road

Garden City, Michigan, AJD Pizza Management, LLC

Un grupo de personas cocinando pizza


The main requirement for Domino’s Pizza Customer Representative Applicants is to have a positive personality, a clear and highly energetic voice, and he or she must also be customer service oriented. Customer Representatives need to speak with customers all throughout his or her shift so they must know how to deal with various customer related issues. They must also be well versed when it comes to product details, services, charges, and other related important information which will be related to customers whenever it is needed.


Other available job positions at Domino’s Pizza include Shift Runner and Management Trainees. As a Shift Runner, it is expected that you will be able to efficiently schedule the shifts of every employees and make sure that every employees will get a fair share of job schedule. For those opting to become managers sometime in their professional careers, Management Trainee positions are the best entry level position in this industry. You will be given managerial duties allowing you to learn the basic responsibilities of a General Manager while developing your skills in handling people, implementing company guidelines, dealing with customer related issues, and enhancing customer satisfaction in the workplace.

Esta publicación de trabajo es para un puesto en una tienda que pertenece y es operada por un franquiciado independiente, no Domino's Pizza LLC, Domino's Pizza Franchising LLC o Domino's Pizza, Inc. ("Domino's Corporate"). Esto significa, entre otras cosas, que el franquiciado independiente es el único responsable y tomará independientemente todas las decisiones relacionadas con los asuntos laborales de la tienda, incluidas las relacionadas con la contratación, el despido, la disciplina, la supervisión, la compensación y los beneficios, la dotación de personal y la programación. Domino's no recibirá una copia de ninguna solicitud que envíe para este puesto de trabajo y no tendrá ningún control sobre si recibe una entrevista y / o es finalmente contratado. Además, Domino's no controla ni es responsable de las políticas y prácticas de empleo de los franquiciados independientes. Si lo contratan para este puesto de trabajo, el franquiciado independiente será su único empleador y usted no será un empleado de Domino's.

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